Your Business Board

Accountability Shared
Book as a Guest

Your Business Board Meetings

There are currently two Your Business Board meeting groups, with plans for two more to be up-and-running in the coming months.  We’ll update this page with more information on the new meetings when we have it, or you may want to follow us on Linkedin.

Alternatively, get in touch if you want to know more about any of our meeting groups.

Friday 2022 – Hawarden
11 am to 2 pm

The last Friday of every month.
Meetings take a break in August and December.

Tuesday 2022 – Hawarden
4 pm to 7 pm

The last Tuesday of every month
Meetings take a break in August and December.

Taster Session 2022 – Hawarden
10 am to 12 pm

A taster session focusing on Sales is now available on the 23rd September 2022.

Your Business Board: The Experience

A Guest’s Experience

Liz, Copywriter

My challenge
I’m an imposter. That’s how I felt ahead of my guest seat at Your Business Board.
I’d only been in business as a copywriter for a year; what would I have in common with ‘proper’ business…

A Member’s Experience

Lisa, Accountancy Partner.

How do you feel before and after a meeting?

Excited! I really look forward to them. Just raising an issue is a weight off my shoulders. I love sharing successes too. They often come about from seeds sown…

The Chairs’ Experience

Graham & Daryl

Your Business Board uniquely benefits from two Chairs to help members get the most out of their experience. 

Founders and Chairs, Graham Little and Daryl Vickers, share their perspectives on …

Your Business Board: The Location

Gladstone Library

Gladstone Library

Church Lane,
Flintshire CH5 3DF

Fancy trying out Your Business Board?

Book on as a guest to see if we're a good fit for you and your business. Get in touch today!