Fancy trying out Your Business Board?

Accountability Shared

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Your Business Board: What Members say

…safe space…

It’s a really confidential and safe space to be able to bounce ideas off people, share your worries, share your successes and my business has definitely benefitted in a positive way

Nicola Webb

clarity, focus, strategy

Transparent, non-judgemental, confidential, safe. That’s the sort of environment that has been created by the other business owners. What we end up with is clarity, focus, strategy and a way forward

Joanna Highet

Firm but fair

Loving the business board. Firm but fair questioning and advice from leaders across a wealth of different businesses.

All expertly lead and hosted by Graham and Daryl.

Trevor Beck

… amazing at what you do!

As business owners, it is very easy for us to get lost in the day to day running. Graham and Daryl have helped me to actually look at my business. There have been so many lightbulb moments.

Rachel Davies

…accountability really helps

I really found it helpful to speak honestly and get honest feedback, as well as listening to others and hopefully can help some along the way.  If nothing else, I think accountability really helps

Lisa Taylor

What do members say about Your Business Board?

Nicola Webb

Nicola Webb's views about Your Business Board.

“It’s a really confidential and safe space to be able to bounce ideas off people, share your worries, share your successes and my business has definitely benefitted in a positive way”

Joanna Highet

Joanna Highet's views about Your Business Board.

“Transparent, non-judgemental, confidential, safe. That's the sort of environment that has been created by the other business owners”

Fancy trying out Your Business Board?

Book on as a guest to see if we're a good fit for you and your business. Get in touch today!