Trying out Your Business Board

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Your Business Board: A Guest’s Experience

Liz, Copywriter

My challenge

I’m an imposter. That’s how I felt ahead of my guest seat at Your Business Board. I’d only been in business as a copywriter for a year; what would I have in common with ‘proper’ business people? 

But something was pushing me to go. While I was getting work, I was so caught up in the ‘doing’ and cash flow that I was avoiding asking myself difficult questions. Was I pricing myself right? Did I have the optimal mix of clients? And ultimately, what I was working towards?

I’ve always been into personal development, whether that’s updating my technical skills or going out of my comfort zone by joining a networking group, but this was different. It was set to be emotive, personal and challenging.

First Impressions

My initial fears evaporated as soon as I sat at the board table. There was a relaxed atmosphere. Camaraderie. And the board members were more like me than I could have imagined. This cohort all had businesses they’d started within the last 12 to 18 months. 

I visited an open session where each business owner could get input and advice on specific issues. Batting a problem around the group seemed to lead to more questions than answers as it was unpicked and analysed. But the Chairs had a skilful way of honing in on the core issue. They ensured that the board member had actions to complete before the next meeting. This was to help them take incremental, manageable steps forward in addressing their issue and building their business. 

While I knew nothing about the specific business in the spotlight, I was amazed at the input I could offer with communications expertise. It gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling. It was clear that Your Business Board is an ecosystem – a concentrated melting pot of experience and skills ripe to support you.

Time to share

Then it was my turn to be on the spot. “What’s been your biggest challenge so far?” A simple enough question, but my cogs were whirring. “Parting ways with a difficult client in the early days when I needed work” was the answer, but I didn’t stop there. I seamlessly started talking about my ideal client mix. It got me thinking about how far I’d come in a year and how I needed to take control of where I was going. 

Getting to experience the honing of strategy and plans in a relaxed, safe and supportive space was intense and uplifting in equal measure.  I’m sold on the benefits of Your Business Board.

Fancy trying out Your Business Board?

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