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Your Business Board: Graham Little

“Helping small businesses succeed is proving more fulfilling than any of my corporate roles. Small businesses are more than just businesses. They’re born out of passion, emotion and personal stories.

It’s a real privilege when business owners let you into their world. They want to be empowered to make those key business decisions.”

Graham Little BSc PgD CA is an independent, accredited, and professional Business and Executive Coach.

His varied career stems more than 30 years, with Chartered Accountant, Management Consultant, Board Member and IT director on his extensive CV. 

Graham has senior-level corporate experience in various sectors, including Professional Services and Chemical Industries. Now, through his business coaching, he is supporting many more, from engineering to fintech and creative. He is a mentor for all roles, from shop floor to management.

Graham Little, Co Founder of Your Business Board

Time for change

Graham’s switch from the corporate world to coaching was borne out of the need for change and a growing clarity on what kind of work left him fulfilled.

There was no shortage of senior roles on offer. But being a cog in a big corporate wheel no longer brought him job satisfaction, just long hours and a lack of valuable family time.

Graham enjoyed working in small teams and with family-focused businesses where there was a personal connection. It was here that his support was most appreciated and its impacts could most readily be seen.  

He was also aware of the strength in his experience. Working in so many roles at various levels across industries – and globally – gave him a wealth of knowledge he could put to good use.

The new career

Supporting a family member through a difficult time was Graham’s first informal coaching and mentoring experience. It influenced the first step on his journey to becoming a qualified coach – an impulsively out-of-character sign up for a two-day course.

Seeing the impact he made as a volunteer coach gave him that ‘wow’ moment and affirmed his new career path. He wanted to ‘right the wrong’ of his past.

“In my 20s and 30s, I was ignorant of the power of coaching, and I turned down the opportunity to be mentored by senior, powerful people. I had that common youthful attitude of ‘I know it all.’ If I came up against a challenge, I was determined to overcome it myself. I saw laying issues out on the table as a weakness. Now I appreciate how much strength, determination and self-belief that takes.”

As a small business owner himself, Graham is putting into practice the advice he offers others:

“I spent far too long working on things that aren’t my strengths. I’ve learned to collaborate and outsource whenever I can.”

Scottish-born, Graham has lived in Chester for the past 20 years. He holds a season ticket for Cheshire Phoenix basketball team, and you may see him enjoying family walks along the Shropshire Union Canal.

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