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Your Business Board: Daryl Vickers

“Running your own business is a massive thing. It can be hard for family and friends to appreciate just how big. “You’ll be fine” or “it’ll work out” doesn’t cut it when you’re having sleepless nights.

Getting businesses to focus on where they want to go and helping them get there is joyous. There’s no feeling like it.

Your Business Board is proving a force for good – more than I ever expected.”

Daryl is a small business champion with a successful – and growing – networking business that prides itself on its inclusive, laidback approach. 

Daryl began his working life in financial services but was soon craving autonomy. His 28 years as a small business owner have seen him run a successful mortgage brokerage and a PPI claims company before specialising in business support. 

Daryl Vickers, co founder Your Business Board

A born networker

In trying to find clients for his PPI business, Daryl unwittingly sowed the seed for his latest successful venture. He attended a few networking meetings but, put off by the ‘stuffy men in suits’, decided to start his own.

Being diagnosed with cancer firmed up his desire to support businesses rather than further his own career aspirations. He focused his energy on Networx4Business – promoting his unique, informal approach.

One meeting quickly became three, and there are now 12 meetings across North Wales, Cheshire, Wirral and Manchester, totalling almost 170 members. Four more are set to launch soon.

Personal growth

While growing his networking business, Daryl put himself through a business board process. Motivated and spurred on by the accountability it gave him, he wanted to offer others the same opportunity. But in a way that would break the mould. 

“I’m intrigued (or nosy!) about people’s businesses, and I knew I had a wealth of business knowledge I could use to help others succeed. I benefitted greatly from my own business board experience, but there were ways to improve it. I wanted to personalise the experience rather than it following a prescriptive workbook. I also wanted to create an environment where people could feel comfortable opening up, sharing and helping each other. This is definitely the case in Your Business Board.”

Daryl would have loved the support of Your Business Board early in his self-employed career:

“I wish I had had somebody asking me questions. “Why are you doing it that way?” or “Why are you taking it all on yourself?” That objective, arm-around-the-shoulder, would have reassured me that being your own boss doesn’t have to be overwhelming, chaotic and scary.”

Daryl, a proud Welshman, lives in Connah’s Quay. You may catch him on the fairway, improving his golf swing. He’s also a cheery volunteer coordinator at the recently re-opened Clocktower in Mostyn – a life skills centre for people with learning disabilities

Fancy trying out Your Business Board?

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