The Chairs' Experience

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Your Business Board: The Chairs’ Experience

Your Business Board uniquely benefits from two Chairs to help members get the most out of their experience. 

Founders and Chairs, Graham Little and Daryl Vickers, share their perspectives on what makes it work:

Daryl Vickers and Graham Little, Your Business Board Founders

Why does Your Business Board have two Chairs?

Graham: Why not? Board members get ‘double the power’ – twice the insight and support. Daryl and I bring different experiences and skills from the corporate and small business worlds. We pick up on and question different things, so nothing escapes us. 

What’s your approach and style?

Daryl: The meetings have a great dynamic because we’re so different. I’m more organic and responsive. I like sessions guided by what members want to share about their experiences since the last meeting. But there needs to be some structure to keep people on track and accountable. That’s Graham’s strength. We’re yin and yang, and the balance works brilliantly. Our meetings are free enough for members to feel listened to but sufficiently structured to take them on a journey over 12 months.

Graham: Different board members respond better to different types of support, and we can switch our style to suit. We can be very direct if people prefer that or take a coaching-style approach.

It’s a member-led board, so what’s your role?

Graham: Our job is to ensure the environment is comfortable and ripe for sharing. It’s also about keeping people focused – ensuring we’ve got to the heart of an issue and come up with actions to address it. Accountability is central to the success of the board and its members, so we do set homework, whether that’s a marketing plan or calculating profit and loss for the year.

Daryl: We’re the first to acknowledge that we’re not oracles! Somebody in recruitment will be the best person to offer advice on hiring, and an accountant the best on tax-efficient set-ups. As members become more familiar with the process, they naturally chip in, asking each other questions or offering potential solutions. As that happens, we can take a step back, facilitating rather than leading. The dynamic works.

How do the successes make you feel?

Graham: Immense. Obviously, there are the ‘big wins’ where you can see that Your Business Board has been the defining factor in a member’s momentous business decision. This could be hiring somebody or even buying out their business partner. 

But the small wins are just as special – somebody presenting for the first time in their life or even just turning up again, knowing they’re out of their comfort zone. All of our members have made at least one positive change to their business as a result of Your Business Board.

Daryl: It is truly joyous. There is no better experience than seeing somebody blossom over the weeks and months. They often start with imposter syndrome, but their confidence grows, and their plans take shape. Our member stories illustrate this beautifully. 

Negative thoughts can hold you back from being the business person you have the potential to be. Your Business Board proves that anyone can get their business to the next level with a bit of support and the right people around them.

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