Fancy trying out Your Business Board?

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Take charge of your business with Your Business Board

Your Business Board is a monthly business board meeting for small business owners across Wirral, North Wales, and Cheshire that recognise the value of external guidance and support.

We’re a safe space – a place where like-minded business owners can share their challenges and successes, get advice and benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience. And it’s all confidential.

Our Chairs also offer members valuable insight. Together, they have 50+ years of business experience in corporate multi-nationals and SMEs. 

Leave any suits and formality at the door. We’re about trust and building real connections. We want you to feel at home. Be comfortable enough to open up. Be free to laugh and enjoy the process.

Get ready to go on a journey. During your 12-month membership, you will grow the confidence and knowledge to take charge of your business and its future

Our business meetings cover business planning, marketing, sales, people, and leadership. 

We’re structured enough to keep you on track but flexible enough to meet your specific business needs.

Benefits of being a Board Member

  • Are you so caught up in the day-to-day running of your business that you’ve lost sight of your goals?
  • Is the fear of getting it wrong putting you off making a big business decision?
  • Do you feel like you’re winging it with no idea how to root and grow your business?
  • Do you feel isolated, with the weight of your business resting solely on your shoulders?
  • Do well-meaning friends and family tell you what you want to hear about your business, not what you need to hear?

Small businesses are more than just businesses. They’re born out of passion, emotion and personal stories.

Why Your Business Board?

We know it’s noisy out there. There's a wealth of resources and support for small businesses, from courses to coaching and networking groups.

At Your Business Board, we combine the best bits of each approach for business support that's effective and enjoyable and won’t cost you the earth.

We’re confident that joining Your Business Board will be one of the best business decisions you will ever make. 

Here’s what you get from Your Business Board:


Collective pride and a team ethos to keep you on track and encourage you to deliver on your action plan.

Business 'me time'

Permission to get off the hamster wheel and focus on what you want to achieve. And then do it.

A welcoming space

Inclusive, not exclusive. Every member gets the same level of business-affirming support, whether you're a sole trader or a company with a multi-million-pound turnover.

Excellent value

12 months of business-transforming peer support and executive leadership expertise. All for the same price as a large cappuccino every day for a year.

A straight-forward offer

Ten business meetings a year for a transparent, flat fee. No complex membership structure and no training, coaching, or (potentially irrelevant) guest speaker 'add-ons.'

Tailored support

A fluid and flexible structure ensures you get support for your particular challenges.  No tick box agendas or generic workbooks. 

Expert Facilitation

Two Chairs for a friendly, challenging dynamic and the added bonus of 50+ years of business experience.


A Member’s Experience

Lisa, accountancy firm partner.

How do you feel before and after a meeting?

Excited! I really look forward to them. Just raising an issue is a weight off my shoulders. I love sharing successes too. They often come about from seeds sown in the board, so, in a sense, my success is everybody's success. 

Your Business Board isn’t just about what advice I can get and my personal development. I'm just as enthusiastic about other members' journeys and how I can help them. I've faced and overcome many challenges, and I want others to benefit from what I've learned...

Your Business Board

We're focused on your:


Strategies count for nothing if you don't implement them. We supportively challenge, keeping you on track to achieve.

Strategy & planning

Problems or challenges can keep you stuck in a rut. We'll work through them with you, helping your business reach its full potential.


You could be the biggest barrier to your success. We'll give you the courage and clarity to take your business forward.

…accountability really helps

I really found it helpful to speak honestly and get honest feedback, as well as listening to others and hopefully can help some along the way.  If nothing else, I think accountability really helps

Lisa Taylor

What do members say about Your Business Board?

Joanna Highet

Joanna Highet

clarity, focus, strategy

Transparent, non-judgemental, confidential, safe. That’s the sort of environment that has been created by the other business owners. What we end up with is clarity, focus, strategy and a way forward

Joanna Highet

Fancy trying out Your Business Board?

Book on as a guest to see if we're a good fit for you and your business. Get in touch today!